Sabbath School Ministries Director

Olinto Groce

Service Overview

The Seventh-day Adventist Church operates a weekly Bible study for all age groups in almost every church around the world. The Sabbath School program is a Bible-based study approximately 70 minutes long which nurtures spiritual growth in members and visitors who join in this time of study, fellowship, and outreach. Some of these Bible studies are catered to meet specific needs in the congregation or community.

The Sabbath School Department provides support to the churches in the Southeastern Conference to enhance their programs and training of Sabbath School teachers. Sabbath School is not just an event, but reinforces a life of Christian living and ministering to others.



(352) 735-3142 Ext. 108

Mission Statement

To inspire, motivate, train, and connect members in developing fellowship, community Bible Study, and mission through the Christ-Centered message of Spiritual hope and wholeness.

Vision Statement

For every member to be established in the faith, growing in Christ, and living in hope.


Fellowship, outreach, learning, and application of Sabbath School study materials.

Strategic Goals

  • To deepen love and acceptance in Christ and a transformational Christian lifestyle.
  • To gain knowledge of Scripture and to be grounded in its teachings.
  • To enrich fellowship and church heritage.
  • To encourage participation in mission.

Ideas for Sabbath School

Bible Study, mission updates, community outreach, Vacation Bible School (VBS), luncheons, Christmas parties for homeless children, new member classes, visiting former members, Sabbath School held in “out of church” settings, etc.

Ideas for Sabbath School


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