Family Ministries Director

Mark Brown

Family Ministry Overview

Family Ministries totally embraces the mission of this conference, which is to “reach communities within Southeastern Conference with the Christ-centered message of Hope and Wholeness.” 

We realize that the family is the single most important unit of our communities, churches, societies, and the world. Therefore, the strength and moral fiber of any community is deeply embedded in the ethical behavior exhibited by each local family member and family as it exists.

Family Ministries of Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventist is fully aware of the far-reaching effects and consequences that every individual and all families have as they interact with each other and their surroundings. There is no doubt that today’s family is much more complex and faces many more challenges than those of several years ago. The single person, single parent, the blended family, just to name a few, are bombarded with many more issues than families of years gone by.

It is our commitment as a ministry to provide as many opportunities for growth and development as it pertains to family strength and enrichment. Our motto for these next four years is “building healthy families for the Kingdom of God.” 

We endeavor to accomplish this through the power of prayer as we ask the Holy Spirit to also work through workshops, seminars, sermons, retreats, and to affect the positive change that needs to be felt in and among us as we prepare and await the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Christ-centered families are the best witnesses we have in reaching our communities, with hope and wholeness, in this sinful world. We must work together through positive, Christian fellowship to make this a reality.

Singles Ministry Overview

The Single’s Department is devoted to providing support to individuals that are single in the Southeastern Conference. Our mission is to help establish and solidify confident and secure relationships with God while also fostering personal growth. We also assist in finding a place to serve in the Ministry of Christ by utilizing personal talents and gifts—thereby aiding in preparing them to be beacons of light in their homes, communities and churches.



(352) 735-3142 Ext. 103

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